Both races went well, but could have been better.
Tupper Lake TinMan Sprint - Great day for a race. Swim start was in water and went very well. I came out of the water 9th overall and left T1 quickly. The bike leg was solid and I came into T2 3rd overall. The run started well, but by the 5K mark, I started to shutdown. I walked a few spots and the 2 aid stations on the way back. I ran it in for 6th place male overall. A better placing than last year, but a slower time due to the run.
14.06 Sprint - A solid performance all around. 425 yard pool swim in a TT format. 11.2 mile flat and fast bike course. 2.6 mile flat run course with a short section in the woods. I knew it would be close when I saw a few guys chasing me on the run. It was. 2nd place overall and lost to 1st by 6 seconds.
A solid week off, aka no workouts, was my greatest prize. 2 races looking to finish out the season. Twinbrook Tri in Rockville, MD and the Luray Sprint. The latter is my first opportunity race head to head against the pros via an OPEN division.